Cole Hauser, acclaimed for his role as the formidable Rip Wheeler in “Yellowstone”, is taking on a new challenge beyond the ranch, as he becomes the distinguished face of The Frye Company and Lucky Brand.
🎬 From “Yellowstone” to Style Icon: Known for his portrayal of the tough-as-nails ranch foreman, Hauser’s new venture into fashion marks an exciting turn as he brings the rugged charm of his on-screen persona to two of the most iconic American heritage brands.
🌍 Global Campaigns Await: As the newly minted ambassador, Hauser is set to grace global campaigns for both Frye and Lucky Brand. Fans can expect to see the fusion of his Western aesthetic with the timeless style that these brands epitomize.
✨ Collaborations and Activations: This holiday season will unveil Hauser’s first engagements with Frye and Lucky Brand. From special collaborations to high-profile brand activations, the actor is gearing up to stamp his mark on the fashion world.
🏆 A Seasoned Performer: Hauser’s acting prowess, showcased in classics like “Dazed and Confused” and “Good Will Hunting”, as well as his Independent Spirit Award-nominated performance in “Tigerland”, speaks to the depth and versatility he is expected to bring to his new roles as brand ambassador.